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Law Subject Guide

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About legislation

Word cloud containing words about legislationAbout legislation

Legislation is law made by Parliament and bodies authorised by Parliament. Researching legislation is an integral part of law study. Legislation is cited with the abbreviated jurisdiction in parentheses after the short title. For example:

  • Summary Offences Act 2005 (Qld) = Queensland legislation
  • Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) = Commonwealth (federal) legislation.

To understand the structure of statutes, view the Federal Register of Legislation's Structure of a law. The glossary assists with understanding legislative terminology.

This guide focuses on Commonwealth and Queensland legislation. The Federal Register of Legislation links to legislative websites for other Australian jurisdictions.

Image by 905515 from Pixabay.

Key resources

Key resources

Key resources for researching Queensland and Commonwealth legislation, and related materials, are listed below.

Authorised legislation

Authorised legislation

Printed legislation was traditionally the sole authorised (official) version. However, legislative amendments mean government legislation websites now publish authorised Acts online. These are generally in PDF format, identified with a logo and/or statement.

Legislation by Topic

Legislation by topic

Background secondary source research identifies legislation relevant to an area of law. For example, legal encyclopedias, looseleaf commentary services and textbooks include analysis of, or references to, key legislative provisions. Government legislation websites provide options to search by keyword and the below resources are also helpful.