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Law journal articles

Photo of the Australian Law JournalScholarly law journal articles are written by legal experts (academics, researchers, members of the judiciary or legal profession) for an Academic audience and are supported by research, theory and references. They focus on topical legal issues, argue for law reform and discuss legal issues critically or from a unique perspective.

Some journals are peer-reviewed. This means other subject matter experts have reviewed the articles, with authors making suggested revisions prior to publication.

Note: editorials, viewpoints, opinion pieces etc generally aren't peer-reviewed. 

Photo by UniSQ Photography

Key journals

Access journal titles

Law databases contain hundreds of law journals varying by jurisdiction and subject focus.

Screenshot of library journal title search for Australian law journal


Image reproduced with permission from Ex Libris. 

Finding journal articles

Search for journal articles

Use the following resources to search for journal articles on a law topic:

Other sources include:

  • Lexis Advance US contains American and international law journals. Select the Content Type > Secondary Materials > Law Reviews & Journals.
  • Google Scholar searches scholarly material from various jurisdictions, including openly accessible journal articles. Link Google Scholar to UniSQ Library to display additional full-text links. Refer to the Library's Using Google Scholar for help (UniSQ login required).