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Cases on a section of legislation

Judicial consideration of legislation

Researching how courts have interpreted a legislative provision helps to clarify its legal meaning and understand how it is applied in practice. The below sources assist with this task.

Judicial consideration of legislation

Option 1: Search using the legislation title and provision in the main red search box

For example: “jury act 1995” w/s 56.

w/s = within the same sentence.

LexisNexisAustralia, 'Lexis Advance Tutorial: Finding Cases Referring to Legislation' (YouTube, 8 July 2019) <>.

Option 2: Use the LawNow Legislation Citator

This is only available at 'section' level not sub-section, paragraph etc.

  1. Enter the details into the Quick Find > Legislation > Legislation Title and Provision Number options.
  2. Ensure it's set to Start in: LawNow Legislation.
  3. Open the correct provision and refer to the Cases heading.

LexisNexisAustralia, 'LawNow and Legislation Citators' (YouTube, 30 July 2021) <>.

Option 3: Advanced Search > AU Cases

Select Advanced Search > AU Cases.

Enter the details into the Legislation Title and Provision Number search boxes.

Option 1: Cases Advanced Search template

  1. Select All Cases > Advanced Search.
  2. Enter the details into the Legislation Cited (Title) and Legislation Cited (Provision) search boxes.

Option 2: Legislation > Citing References

  1. Search for and access the legislation provision.
  2. Use the Citing References > Cases option.

Finding Cases or Secondary Materials Referring to Legislation on Westlaw Australia (Thomson Reuters, 2021) <>.

AustLII provides a NoteUp references option within an Act. This displays cases within AustLII that refer to an Act/provision.

  1. Locate the legislative provision
  2. Click on NoteUp references (beneath the CITED BY heading on the right-hand side).

This is an automated function; results must be reviewed thoroughly.