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Publication planning

Tips and tools for publishing research

Tools to use

Tools to use to find relevant journals


  • Comprehensive, multidisciplinary, trusted abstract and citation database. 
  • Quickly find relevant and authoritative research, identify experts and gain access to reliable data, metrics and analytical tools.
  • Can be used to find and compare sources (also known as journals).

Think. Check. Submit.

  • Cross-sector initiative that aims to educate and build trust in credible research and publications.
  • Includes check lists of what to look for when publishing in journals, books, and book chapters..

Retractions Australia

  • Retractions Australia is an online resource dedicated to highlighting data regarding scientific retractions - the removal of published research papers from scientific journals.
  • This is presented via the Retractions Australia Explorer, which is an interactive tool that allows you to visualise and investigate retracted papers from Australian and New Zealander researchers and collaborators.
  • Added here to help with checking validity of journals by highlighting possible peer review or journal mis-management.
  • Check out the information about hijacked journals.

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory:

  • Provides journal/serial/periodical details such as peer review status, ISSN, publisher, content description and indexing databases
  • Can be searched by subject area in an advanced search
  • Provides a history of the journal (name changes, ceased operation, link to home page)


  • The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database.
  • Useful for finding journals and their quartile ranking. 

Journal Citation Reports

  • UniSQ does not currently have a subscription to Journal Citation Reports (JCR)