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Referencing The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

When following the general instructions, please note the following:

  • Use Corporate authorAustralian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).
    • The acronym can be used after spelling it out in the first in-text reference. The acronym should  not be used in the reference list. For more information see the section abbreviations in the General Instructions tab, and the examples below. 
  • It is often appropriate to include additional information after the title of the work (similar to including an edition number for a book). Sometimes this is included as part of the title. Examples might be a report number of a specific standard. 
  • Date - If there is no date attributed to the web page or web document, as in the examples below, use n.d. If there is a date on the web document, use this year in your reference. 

Referencing the Teacher Standards tab. 

In-text example

First instance

There are four stages within a teacher’s career covered by professional standards (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], n.d.).

Second and subsequent instances

The first teacher standards stage is graduate, for newly qualified teachers (AITSL, n.d.).

Reference list example

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (n.d.). Teacher standards.

When referring to a specific standard:

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (n.d.). Teacher standards: Know students and how they learn.

PDF – selected standards

As the user can choose what standards to include in the PDF download, use and reference the web page and not the PDF document.

Word Doc – All standards

In-text example (no date)

There are four stages within a teacher’s career covered by professional standards (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], n.d.).

In-text example (date)

There are seven professional standards for Australian teachers, across three domains in the  [AITSL], 2022).

Reference list example (no date)

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (n.d.). Teacher standards.

Reference list example (date)

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2022). Australian professional standards for teachers.