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Referencing the Early Years Learning Framework document

The Early Years Learning Framework can be referenced as a web page or a web document, with a corporate author. 
Referencing is not always black and white, view the video to learn more, and how to re-format the reference list example below when you copy and paste into your work!

Note: The highlighted text below are examples. 

Web page

In-text citation

The Early Years Learning Framework (Australian Government Department of Education, 2022) discusses a range of perspectives educators use.

If quoting directly from the web page, use paragraph number. If using more than one quote, include a different entry in the reference list for each page quoted from, as the URL leading your reader to the location of the quote will be different. 

One of the learning outcomes states in the Early Years Learning Framework is "children have a string sense of identity" (Australian Government Department of Education, 2022, para. 3.).

Reference list entry (Note: The example below is using the URL from the quote in the in-text example above. Make sure you copy and paste the URL for your quote if using this reference!)

Australian Government Department of Education. (2022). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for  Australia (V2.0).

Web document

In-text citation

The Early Years Learning Framework (Australian Government Department of Education, 2022) discusses a range of perspectives educators use. 

If quoting directly from the web document, use page number. If using more than one quote, you need only insert the web document citation once in the reference list. 

One of the learning outcomes states in the Early Years Learning Framework is "children have a string sense of identity" (Australian Government Department of Education, 2022, p. 7).

Reference list entry

Australian Government Department of Education. (2022). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia (V2.0).