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Grey literature is research that has not been published commercially and is a valuable source of new research (conference papers), local information, policies and programs (industry and government bodies).
Examples include government reports, conference proceedings, theses, dissertations, research reports, data and maps.
Allows search by domain, file type, and other useful limiters for searching grey literature. For example, and PDF.
Topics include advertising, big data, digital/social media, education, public affairs, media relations and more.
Nonprofit and nonpartisan conducted public opinion polling, demographic research, computational social science research and other data-driven research.
Trove is a great source for historical newspapers, brochures and maps. Theses and dissertations can be found using the search function and filtering results.
Data and statistics can provide useful evidence for assignments. Data is the original information that statistics are created from while statistics interpret and summarise data.
These sites are a good starting point for your research.