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Strategies for searching

Assignment search strategies

What does the assignment ask you to do?

Deconstruct your assignment question

Task analysis

When presented with an assignment or question, unpacking/deconstructing the question is important to identify the task as distinct from the topic. The first step is always to read the task sheet. What does the assignment ask you to do?

Asking the right questions

When unpacking your assignment or question, consider:

  • what sort of assignment is it?
  • length?
  • due date?
  • specific requirements on the task sheet?
  • where to you focus your energies?

Locate the question and pull it apart.

Sample Assignment Question:

Sample Assignment Question

"Identify and discuss key communication skills required for effective teamwork."

  • What are the task words - what am I being asked to do?
  • What is the core topic - what information do I need to find?

Sample assignment question