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Nursing and midwifery

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Key journals

Find journals and journal articles

You are likely to find the most recent and in-depth answers to a research question in journal articles. 

A journal is a regular scholarly publication that may cover specialist areas of a particular topic or discipline or provide more general, multidisciplinary content. Journals are a way for researchers, scholars, and experts to share their original research, findings, and insights with others and are a valuable resource for students and academics. 

A peer-reviewed journal, also known as a refereed journal, is one in which research articles have been critically evaluated by subject experts before being accepted for publication. 

Journals contain different types of articles. You can learn more about the different types of information you may need to use during your studies in the UniSQ Library guide, Information sources at university (UniSQ login required).

UniSQ staff and students have access to thousands of scholarly and peer-reviewed journals. You can find more journals covering these subject areas via UniSQ Library Search.

Key journals

Key journals


Find the full text of a journal article

Find the full text of a journal article

  • Click the title of the article or the 'Available Online' link. Please note: sometimes clicking on the article title instead of 'Available Online' provides additional access options.
  • Select one of the links provided under the 'View Online' heading.

A picture showing how to access a journal article through database links found under the heading 'View Online'.

  • The article should open. You can read the abstract and choose to download the full-text article to your device. Remember to log in with your UniSQ details if prompted.

Finding an article from a citation

Find an article from a citation

When searching in UniSQ Library Search, sometimes you will be taken to a journal homepage or database entry instead of an article, but you can still find the information you need using citation details such as year, volume, issue, and page number of the article. 

  • Find and select the relevant year, volume, issue/number of the journal title that contains the article you need. For example, BMC Nursing, 2021, volume 20, issue 1.

A picture showing that once in the database, a journal article is then accessed through links associated with its year of publication, volume and issue number.

  • Find the correct title or page numbers and click on the article title to read the abstract or PDF to read the full text. 

A picture encouraging students to then access the article by looking for the title or page number and clicking on its PDF link.