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Biomedical sciences

Lab protocols

Find laboratory protocols and methods

Protocols are publications that provide step-by-step instructions for the methods, materials, and tools used to complete a procedure in a laboratory. 

Using journals to find protocols

Using journals to find laboratory protocols and methods

Some journals focus on publishing articles that contain laboratory protocols, methods, and techniques.

Using journal to find protocols

Using databases to laboratory protocols and methods

Using databases to find laboratory protocols and methods

You can use scholarly databases to search for laboratory protocols and methods to help you recreate experiments. By including terms such as protocol, method, or technique and using the Boolean connector "AND" to link them to your chosen subject in your search strategy, you can find relevant journal articles that have methods or protocols included in them.

Example - CRISPR AND (protocol* OR method* OR technique*)

Example - gram stain AND (protocol* OR method* OR technique*)

Example - PCR AND (protocol* OR method* OR technique*)

Remember to change the search terms you use to match your subject area.